Close to Heaven

Close to Heaven

Close to Heaven by Scott Streadbeck Dimensions H 92″ x W 46″ x D 28″ Edition of 20    Price: $95,000 As parents we love to cuddle our children. It provides them with the love and comfort they need. Yet, I wonder if we don’t get as much or more out of...


Spartan by Scott Streadbeck Dimensions H 24″ x W 17″ x D 11″ Edition of 30    Price: $7,500 He stands in a posture of defense and readiness for what’s coming. The Spartans were well trained and disciplined. They would not back down. A...
Second Star to the Right

Second Star to the Right

Second Star to the Right by Scott Streadbeck Dimensions H 91″ x W 27″ x D 48″ Edition of 20    Price: $45,000 Our Grandparents can have one of the greatest influence for good in our lives. I love the stories and teaching moments my Grandparents have...